Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Power of Worship songs

I've been listening to a bunch of different music lately and one song that has definitely touched my heart has been Jesus' Blood by Campus Band...
It talks about how Jesus' Blood never fails me, and that really spoke to me because over the past month or two i've realized how much God really does love me because i've been through a lot and he still pulls me through it all no matter what the situation may be.
Another song i've been listening to a lot more is Prodigal by Michael Gungor Band and that song is just so incredible...
It talks about how he saw God's glory and he didn't care at all, he just left it out in the cold...
Then, he started to actually appreciate what God has done and he says that he'll "Tell of your story, carry Your name, live for Your glory, and share in Your pain..."
That part grabbed hold of me and i realized what it really means to follow God.
I have to sacrifice my life to God, I have to carry the cross daily, I just have to live for Him.
He never said living the good life and following Christ would be easy...
There will be moments where we all will struggle, We all fall down, but it's how we get back up on our feet that matters the most.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I don't know what to say

I don't know what to say but all that i see around me sickens me sometimes but at the same time, it makes me feel great.
The people i see during every moment that i breathe make my life different every single day.
In some ways, it can be good, but in some ways, it can be horrible.
It makes me angry when people take the greatest joys in life and keep it to themselves or just completely take over it.
I don't want to go back to school in about 2 weeks. That's where i see most of this happening.
It just kills me to see it happen.
All of the relationships that start one day and end on the next day.
All of the friendships that start one day but because of a rumor end on the same day.
I hate the fact that nowadays people know exactly how to deal with their love life.
They completely nullify love for what it is.
You think you're dealing with it right and it's working out perfect for you but then, it falls apart.
But that's life, right? No, it doesn't have to be. Life is what you make it.
People have said that thinking that they know exactly what it means but they don't.
That means acting good around people will make you lead a good life but if you do something bad, it will come back to haunt you.

I just noticed something...
I write the most creative things only when it's early in the morning.

Well, I just wanted someone to know about this which is why i write any of these blogs.
I hope someone actually reads this.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My View Of Religion

Religion is a fad. It’s what the world relies on nowadays. Why do it? Maybe it’s tradition in your family and you might feel left out. Maybe it’s because you choose to have it. Maybe you feel like if you go to church, you’ll be cleansed. Religion= not my thing.
Here’s why:
Religion causes
Broken Families
Ruined Friendships

Let’s go over one of my personal favorites: Christianity.
Christian, the child’s name, means “a follower of Jesus.”
The actual definition of Christianity is “Professing your belief in Jesus as Christ of following the life and teachings of Jesus.
If that’s really what Christianity means, then, why does all the division come in?
Here’s an example. One word= Denominations.
Let’s check out the Christian denominations.
Roman Catholic- this religion holds the most adherents in the America today.
Eastern Orthodox- this religion is prominent in Russia, Greece, and nearby areas. Not as much in our country.
Protestant- this religion embraces a wide theological spectrum.
Anglican/Episcopalian- this religion is known as a mid-way point between Catholicism and Protestantism.
Amish- this religion is especially known for separation from society and rejection of modern-day technology.
Baptists- this religion is characterized by adult baptism and encouraging religious freedom.
Lutheran- this religion is a large Protestant denomination based on Martin Luther’s teachings.
Presbyterian- this religion is based on the teachings of John Calvin.
Seventh-day Adventists- this religion is known for Sabbath observance, expectation of Christ, and emphasis on physical health.

See how separated we are in our world as we know it. Now it’s time to show you the reason why I don’t like our division and denominations.
Check out 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. I’ll break it down for you.
“The body of Christ is one unit but it has many parts. Parts that must work together to keep the body functioning. If one part suffers, they all do. Every part needs to be there. There should be NO DIVISION, for each part should have equal concern for each other.”
Isn’t that something? Wow, funny that all this division goes on with these denominations but they don’t look in their “Holy Book” because the answer is right in front of them.

Now I think I’m going to talk about one of the most important words ever spoken. L-O-V-E; Love is what everyone wants in life even though it’s calling out their name. Do you know what it says in the bible? It says “God is love.” Do you know what that means? If you love one another, God will be there. You’ll love God. I’m going to share another scripture.
1 Corinthians 13:4-13. Here’s the breakdown.
“Love is patient and kind. Love never fails.
Love is forgiving and understanding.
When you’re a child, you’ll act, speak, and think like a child. When you become a man, you’ll have to put your childish ways behind you. Now faith, hope, and love remain. Though, the greatest of these is love.”
Wow, surprising, isn’t it? Here’s something you probably didn’t know about love.
The word “Love” is used in the bible 231 times. Love is the 2nd most said word in the bible.
Guess what word is first?
I think God is trying to tell us something.

Have you seen his commandments?
The first and greatest commandment: “Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
Do you know what the second commandment is?
The second commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Seems kind of hard at times, doesn’t it?
God is telling us to love one another,

You know America’s motto, “In God We Trust” it’s printed on every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar coin, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bill.
If we’re going to trust in God, we should trust in his word.
In God’s word, his greatest commandment is, as you saw before, “Love God, with your heart, soul, and mind.”
We’re doing that by trusting in him.
The second greatest commandment is “Love One Another.”
It’s that simple. If you trust in God, you have to trust that.
Denominations don’t matter to God. He just wants to love you and he wants you to love him back.
To end it, here’s what I think about religion’s division.
You know what else is printed there, “E Pluribus Unum,” which means, “Out of many, One,” or in other words,
“We’re all in this together.”